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Council News and Holiday Giveaway Info

December 8, 2022

Dear neighbors,

We are nearing the end of the legislative session for this iteration of the D.C. Council, but that doesn't mean our work is complete.

Among the many items that await passage at our final session of the year, and are likely to become law, the Council is supporting free Metrobus service for riders in the District beginning July 2023. The measure also provides for all-night service on twelve of our busiest routes and funds $10 million in improvements to bus lines and shelters.

There is also broad support for Safe Passage legislation to enhance the safety of school children during their daily commutes. The bill will provide for more crossing guards as well as infrastructure improvements designed for pedestrian safety and to reduce speeds on our roads, in particular in and near high-risk areas.

Additionally, the mayor has asked the Council to approve a new Board to oversee the troubled D.C. Housing Authority. It is likely that we will vote on this matter at our next session.

I am pleased that residents of public housing will continue to be represented on the board. We cannot improve public housing without input from the people who depend on it.

Residents in public housing and those awaiting housing are among the most vulnerable. It is imperative that we correct deficiencies within the Housing Authority as quickly as possible. I have confidence that the new board will get to work immediately and expedite remedies.

In service,

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Takiyah "T.N." Tate
Communications Director


(202) 705-2980