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Discrimination at the DC Council

December 22, 2022

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear neighbors,

This is not about me. Rather, this about every person who was ever discriminated against because of their health.

Yesterday, D.C. Council Chair Phil Mendelson announced that he will remove me as Chair of the Committee on Health. In doing so, he cited my health as his rationale.

In 2021, I experienced a stroke. I am fortunate to have no cognitive damage. However, like many people who have had a stroke, at times my ability to communicate verbally is not what it once was. Nonetheless, Mendelson repeatedly cited health, and health alone, as his reason for demoting me.

In a fair workplace we are evaluated by performance. During the six years that I have chaired the Committee on Health we have ushered in historic improvements across the board, but in particular for residents who have long suffered inadequate and inequitable access to healthcare.

Frankly, I am shocked that Mendelson would cite health as the sole justification to reduce the responsibilities of an elected official or, for that matter, any employee.

What message does this send? Your duties will be cut if you break a leg, have a difficult pregnancy, undergo chemotherapy or otherwise are challenged by a matter of health?

That is not the District of Columbia you and I have worked to create as one of the most progressive jurisdictions in the country.

Fair-minded people spoke out vigorously in support of Senator-elect John Fetterman as he fought through challenges similar to mine. Those who put politics ahead of principle did the opposite.

Let me conclude by reiterating, this is not about me. Our government and its officials cannot be allowed to take any actions that run afoul of the DC Human Rights Act.

What's next? My team and I are exploring all options. We will keep you informed.

In service,


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Takiyah "T.N." Tate
Communications Director


(202) 705-2980