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January 23, 2023

Washington, D.C. - Today, the office of Ward 7 D.C. Councilmember Vincent C. Gray released the following statement from Gray:

“Like many people who are recovering from a stroke, I work with a speech therapist. We have made great strides, yet nonetheless, it is no secret that at times I experience challenges communicating verbally. Some of my Council colleagues, in particular Chairman Mendelson, have seemingly misconstrued this condition as reflective of my cognitive abilities. Their judgment is uninformed,” said Gray.

“Recent actions taken by the Council, paired with statements from Chairman Mendelson, have resulted in public misunderstandings about my well-being. My staff and I have spoken with countless constituents, but we have not reached everyone. With that in mind, I am reiterating what I stated in December in my letter to the Council: I am well and have been cleared by my doctors for work and related activities,” said Gray.

“Furthermore, so as to succinctly and most effectively communicate with the constituents I represent, all other District residents, the press and interested parties, going forward I will primarily speak through written statements. Additionally, when conducting official Council business, staff will read my remarks and speak for me when necessary,” said Gray.

“People recovering from strokes or experiencing other health challenges are entitled to reasonable accommodations in the workplace. As chair of the newly formed Committee on Hospital and Health Equity, I will explore whether we have done enough in the District to codify and protect these rights,” said Gray. “There will always be new frontiers to blaze in pursuit of equity. As well, issues that were seemingly settled sometimes require revisiting. Throughout my career, I have advocated for the rights of individuals who are often overlooked or taken advantage of. This chapter of my career will be no different.”

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Takiyah "T.N." Tate
Communications Director


(202) 705-2980