Dear neighbors,
Last week, we opened the DC Stabilization Center at 35 K Street, Northeast. This first-of-its-kind facility in the District is open around the clock and provides a safe, welcoming setting where people in crisis,18 years of age and older, can get immediate treatment for substance use disorders. Services are provided at no cost regardless of insurance, citizenship or residency status.
The Center offers person-centered and recovery-oriented alternatives to hospital emergency rooms and interactions with law enforcement. Individuals seeking or referred for services receive integrated and comprehensive care to address their specific needs in a supportive environment that fosters recovery.
Remember, there are no costs for treatment and everyone is welcome.
The Center has a "No Wrong Door" policy, meaning that regardless of the number of times an individual has sought services, their desire for abstinence, their current situation or condition, the Center will never refuse any individual and will work with that person to determine the needed level of care.
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing substance use disorder or is in crisis, the DC Stabilization Center is here for you 24/7. Call them at (202) 839-3500 or walk-in at 35 K Street, Northeast.
Delivering care to people in crisis, getting them stabilized and connecting them with long-term resources to address their needs is essential. As Chair of the DC Council Committee on Health, I supported funding for the Center and other programs that address addiction, the opioid crisis and assist people in achieving recovery. We will expand these programs into other parts of the city with the goal of helping as many people as possible. I will keep you updated.
In service,