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Improving Public Safety

July 14, 2023

Dear neighbors,
On Tuesday, the Council passed emergency legislation to address concerns about public safety. I supported the provisions and, on the matters that were debated, am confident that we struck a balance between protecting you and preserving the rights of people who have been arrested, but not yet convicted of criminal acts. The new law is intended to make clear the guidelines for pre-trial detention of individuals who commit violent crimes or are deemed a threat to public safety.
Once signed by Mayor Bowser, the emergency legislation will be in effect for 90-days. Before it expires, the Council will consider similar, permanent changes to pre-trial detention protocols and other crime prevention measures.
The Council took additional actions to address crime and improve public safety. We:

  • Clarified and improved conditions under which police vehicles can be used to pursue suspects who have committed a crime of violence or pose an imminent threat to the public, but only when pursuit is necessary and can be conducted in a manner that mitigates risk to bystanders;
  • Increased access to security video footage by expanding the camera rebate program, assisting police in identifying suspects and prosecutors with building strong cases;
  • Created a new offense, "Endangerment with a Firearm," which makes firing a gun in public a felony;
  • Made changes to extradition laws, so that people who flee the District can be brought to justice, and;
  • Improved data gathering and sharing, mandating the Criminal Justice Coordinating Councilto provide more details about the outcome of diversion and alternative sentencing programs.

Our work is not done, and won't be, until public safety has been restored and we have successfully created conditions whereby people, in particular our youth, have the support, services and access to opportunity that steers them away from violence, gangs and acts of lawlessness.

Crime and violence is never anyone's first choice. It is a dark path that is followed after many failings by the individual and our society.  As we seek immediate measures to stymie the crime crisis, we must not take our eyes off the need to address its root causes. These efforts are multi-faceted, take time, require evaluation and constant improvement.

I will keep you updated as we continue to tackle this vexing challenge.

In service,


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Takiyah "T.N." Tate
Communications Director


(202) 705-2980