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Post-Election Update

November 10, 2022

Dear neighbors,Election Day ushered in a new era on the D.C. Council. On January 2, 2023 we will inaugurate two new members representing Wards 3 and 5 and there will be a change in the independent At-Large seat.

I look forward to working with my current colleagues through the end of the Council term and welcoming new members in 2023. Peaceful and orderly transition is a hallmark of Democracy. We can be proud of how elections are conducted in the District and that the candidates who did not win stepped aside with grace.

On the Federal level, midterm elections were not the "red wave" that many feared. Nonetheless, it appears that Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives and therefore chair the committee with oversight on the District of Columbia.

What does this mean for us?

Well, I have some experience working "across the aisle" to make sure the rights of District residents are protected. I can tell you that it's no small task, but if we stick together we will succeed.

As mayor, when our rights and autonomy were threatened I stood up to Republicans and yes, even Democrats, too. In the end we won. What made our success possible was the overwhelming support of District residents. You demonstrated poise and strength. If we find ourselves in a similar situation during the new Congress, I know you will rise to the occasion once again.

This election, and all elections, serve as a reminder that statehood is our ultimate goal. We should not be subject to Congressional oversight or the whim of Representatives who do not live here, but feel as though they can use District residents as guinea pigs or play politics at our expense.

My first instinct is to build trust and work toward progress. Our country and the District are facing many challenges. Let's hope the new Congress puts people ahead of politics. I know my Council colleagues are on that path, and when we are joined by new members in the new year we will stay on the path.

In service,


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Takiyah "T.N." Tate
Communications Director


(202) 705-2980